Since our inception in 2011, we have shown our clients a better way of partnering with an agency, blurring the borders between providing traditional marketing services and working as a business development partner. Doing away with the traditional client / agency relationship, we tackle the challenges our clients bring us more broadly as both a marketing and a business issue, analyzing everything from design to product development. Why? Because, and make no mistake, that’s what it takes to WIN in the market today.
How We Approach Marketing
“Give a customer a message and they’ll listen for a moment; give them wonderful experiences and they’ll embrace you for a lifetime.” Jason Turner
It comes down to this… Your brand, and your very survival, rests on the totality of the experiences your customers have with you and those experience originate from all aspects of your business; not just your ads. That’s why we partner with our clients the way we do, so we can help to make sure that every customer experience delivers the needed result and aggregates into driving business growth.
We Stand Behind What We Do
Where are those that take immense pride in their work? Where are those that take ownership of what they produce and stand behind their work; those that relentlessly pursue perfection and derive joy from achieving big things? Dare we say… they’re here at Diroddi. Work with us and see for yourself.
Our Leadership
Where are those that take immense pride in their work? Where are those that take ownership of what they produce and stand behind their work; those that relentlessly pursue perfection and derive joy from achieving big things? Dare we say… they are here at Diroddi. Work with us and see for yourself.

Jason Turner
FounderAs a 20yr. veteran of marketing, Jason has split his career between the client and agency sides of the marketing industry. This experience enables...

Jon Irvine
Creative DirectorWith more than 15 years of multidisciplinary design experience, Jon cut his teeth in traditional advertising with extensive expertise in television, print, photography, v

Gary Bernard
Project Management LeadFrom digital products to hard goods, Gary brings 17yrs. of experience in product and project management; as well as digital transformation to his teams...